
A Guide to Horse Bridles

Quality Horse Bridles

Fylde Saddlery specialise in providing tack for a range of equestrian sports and shows, as well as some equipment for general horse care and riding.  For those who are new to horse care and ownership, here is a brief explanation as to the purpose and role of bridles.

A bridle is made up of several components.  There is the headcollar that fits snuggly to the shape of your horses head that slots on round the nose and behind the ears, the mouthpiece that includes the part that goes into the mouth – also known as the bit– and the reins that are attached to the bit and placed just below the cheek bones.

A bridle provides a way for you to communicate with your horse, giving cues so they can react quickly to your messages while you are in the saddle.  The best bridles for you depend upon what you are doing with your horse.  We will now discuss a guide to horse bridles and the different types available to you.

Choosing the best comfort bridles should always be of paramount importance when choosing your tack.  Making sure you are safe with your equipment, and that you can effectively guide your horse as you ride is also necessary.  Therefore, regardless of what you need the brides for, we always provide the best quality horse bridles to ensure these three key elements are catered for.  Consideration must also be given to your own comfort, as less time in the saddle means less time to train and get comfortable with your animal.

Best Comfort Bridles

There are many materials that can be used for bridles.  Nylon types are strong and can be easily cared for, but they are not usually used for shows and dressage, as they are not particularly ornate to look at.  Synthetic leather bridles provide the same functionality, but look better for performances in equestrian sports and shows.  As there are a lot of materials and colours to choose from, you can find exactly what you need to fit in with the other decorative aspects of the equipment and styling when your animal is being shown.

The fit of any bridles will influence the effectiveness and the comfort of the equipment.  Things like the weight and other measurements must be taken into consideration.  This means that each choice of tack must be suited to the individual need of each horse.  So, in order for you to find the right bridle, some measurements will need to be taken.

Snaffle bridles are those that have a bit that allow for more give.  These are the most commonly used type of this kind of equipment, as it is known to be very versatile and adaptable.  It is also ideal for starting young horses, when training them up.  Snaffle bits are gentler as they use direct pressure instead of leverage on your horse mouth.  Depending on the level of control you need, will affect whether you can use a snaffle bridle, or a curb bit or another kind of bit to allow you a quicker response time from your horse.

Here at Fylde Saddlery, we provide complete horse bridles for sale, or bridle parts to either replace a piece of equipment, or if you are looking for brand new tack for a newly acquired and/or broken in horse.  For information of the individual parts of a bridle, check out the various other articles in or blog series.

For more information on any of our equipment, contact our shop today.  Our team would be more than happy to help you find the right equipment to help you and your horse get the most out of your time together, and your combined abilities in equestrian sports activities.

Fylde Saddlery
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