
Category: Stirrup Leathers

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Here at Fylde Saddlery, we aim to be a one-stop shop for all your equestrian needs. Our range of stirrup leathers is divided between those for children and those for adults.

Within our children’s range of safety stirrups, we offer a choice of nine different types of stirrup, including soft padded leathers in a range of sizes between 30 to 50, in either Havana or black. We also offer a ¾ soft padded option, in Havana at sizes between 30 to 54. Other show leathers for children are available in both colours, measuring 30 inches, 35 inches, 40 inches, 45 inches, 48 inches, 50 inches and 52 inches.

For adults, we offer a choice of two stirrups, with the first standard leathers being between 54 and 60, and the second featuring soft padding and available in sizes between 50 and 60. Both are sold in the two colours.

When selecting the correct stirrup, sit in the saddle with your feet out of the irons and pull the stirrups so that the bottom hits your ankle bone, keeping in mind that new leathers stretch over time. A stirrup that’s too long will mean your lower leg will swing and you will sit too far back in the saddle to compensate, and if it is too short, your leg will cramp towards your body, corrupting your position. It can be wise to have a choice of two lengths, by going for the longer length and adding a second hole.

To make an enquiry about which stirrup is best for you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Fylde Saddlery
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